• Health & Hygiene

    Basic sanitation and good hygiene are fundamental for a healthy, productive and dignified life. Yet, many of the world ‘ s poor rural people lack access to improved sanitation facilities. Poor access to water, sanitation and hygiene results in tremendous problems mostly for women and girls. Health is very essential for a self reliant and progressive community. ARUNODAYA TRUST believes in preventive care. In addition, to creating awareness on vital health issues, we also provides curative services through various clinics. In a developing country like India where health infrastructure needs reforms, the government is unable to reach the underprivileged of community.

    ARUNODAYA TRUST steps in to deliver health at their doors through its Health Units. Issues like reproductive health, immunization, AIDS awareness, related to preventive care are focus areas of our health interventions. We need your help to ensure health of underprivileged. We need your valuable support to continue ensuring the health of the underprivileged. ARUNODAYA TRUST along with likeminded organizations (both public & private) makes innovative approaches to the provision of clean drinking water, sanitation and hygiene thereby promote health. Volunteers conduct health detection programme camps, like eye camps, general checkup , blood donation , etc in various parts from village to state capitals at regular intervals. It require lot of help and support. Further our free ambulance service also need for us self efficiency. We solicit you to join in this venture and support the cause.